Feb 5th:Harry Potter Book Night at Eason’s

Today is officially Harry Potter Book Night around the world. Schools,businesses,book stores and more have been asked to participate with events to encourage the next generation to enter the wonderful world of Harry Potter. But let’s face it,even our generation aren’t over Harry Potter!

Eason stores around Ireland are hosting their own Harry Potter Book Night events today and that includes Eason’s on O’Connell street. It’s not wntirely clear what they have planned for the day but I am definitely heading in to find out. Ah,my childhood and memories of midnight Harry Potter book releases,waiting outside Eason’s for the new installment. It’s important that that kind of magic lives on and is paHarry Potter Book Nightssed on to our little ones. Whether you head in,re-read a Harry Potter book or begin to help your kids read about the wizarding world,be sure to celebrate Harry Potter Book Night.

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